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Internal audit software

An innovative internal audit software solution that you can customize and modify yourself

Similar to what is possible today with Excel, you can customize the organization and the progress of your audit mission with complete autonomy. Using drag and drop functionalities, simply create or move information and fields, with real-time updates of all modified items. Benefit from all the advantages of a digital tool: collaboration, user experience, security and availability. Digitalization becomes a performance and visibility driver for your work function.

Software to simplify the planning of your internal audit cycle

  • Recapture a fully customized environment regrouping all the fields which characterize your mission: objectives and scope, methodology, documents and information to collect, deliverables, calendar, key milestones, contributors, interview dates, tests, controls, … Our 100% French software, based on a proprietary no code base, integrates all your requirements and specificities
  • Easily update according to the nature of your audit, the repositories of necessary rules and procedures and associate specific reference documents: mission order, audit charter, previous audit reports, description of the processes to be audited, flow diagrams, mapping, control activities, organization chart, description and analysis grid of tasks, delegations of authority, repositories, professional standards, contracts, key figures, …
  • Keep track of all data and insights that may be useful to the mission
  • Work on a centralized, intuitive platform with an up-to-date and reliable document base
  • Share information and documents according to the rights you have defined
  • Automate requests for meetings, interviews and specific documentation, according to the rules you specify and which you can change at any time
  • Define dunning rules
  • Consolidate the schedules of all missions to ensure their consistency and monitor their implementation, with dynamic and interactive views
Internal audit

Implement your internal audit methodology using a totally customizable software solution

Internal audit software interface
  • Create or modify, quickly and independently, workspaces and fields which allow you to document and analyze the existing control system and prepare your various interviews
  • Organize within the platform the links between the analyzed control devices and the associated risks. Your audit repository is shared directly in the tool so that it can be reviewed and validated in collaboration with the various stakeholders
  • Insert review, control and validation steps. These are automatically tracked in the tool.
  • Contextualize your programs and work materials and organize your audit management
  • Send out questionnaires, including web questionnaires that will save your contributors the trouble of logging into the software
  • Automate requests for interviews or visits. Updates to the schedule and resources assigned to the mission are made in real time
  • Document directly in the tool the tests and controls performed and customize the evaluation criteria and rules
  • Get a synthetic view of your work, according to the methods of restitution, the criteria and the filters that are useful to you. Links to each of the associated files are made in one click
  • Easily prepare your conclusions. These materials can, of course, be shared with the auditees in order to facilitate the validation of the audit evidence

Simplify supervision and reporting of key elements of your audits within the same software package

  • Leverage a library of data visualizationsthat you can organize, by simple drag and drop, according to the stakes of your audit missions
  • Organize the methods for monitoring the progress of your requests for interviews or information or the controls and audit work planned during your mission. Far from being static, the graphics allow you to navigate in all the dimensions that will be useful to you
  • Access, on a step-by-step basis and at any time, the progress of the work. Get an updated view on your mission’s progress, on tests, completed work and results, all of which is directly available within the platform
  • Customize views to suit your audience’s needs and expectations
  • Define the format of your reports and findings, viewable from within the application or sent in PDF format

Secure the management of corrective action plans resulting from your audits

Internal control audit
  • Facilitate collaboration by sharing, directly within the platform, recommendations resulting from your audit, according to your own modifiable authorizations
  • Directly associate actions with recommendations and players, with real-time updates of your various indicators
  • Independently define all the fields and functionalities which allow you to structure, manage and control corrective actions: schedule, allocation of resources and responsibilities
  • Ensure the management of an action plan through a real-time vision of its progress, according to the indicators and monitoring criteria that you have selected
  • Automate alerts when a milestone is exceeded

Facilitate the distribution of your internal audit results

  • Personalize the common thread of your findings and reports. Fully customizable, the software is able to adapt to the formalism you have chosen for the submission of your audit mission
  • Organize the content to be integrated by selecting the elements to integrate (reminder of the purpose of the mission, scope, work done, conclusions, recommendations, action plan, etc.)
  • Adapt the content to fit the type of audience
  • Integrate a review and validation mechanism directly within the application, with traceability of all completed operations
  • Send validated materials, in PDF format, including any additional attachments

The strengths of the offer

  • Give you a global and centralized vision of your activities
  • Save time in collecting, processing, analyzing and communicating information, thanks to a digital approach and procedures
  • Promote collaboration within your organization and strengthen the quality of your activities

simple and intuitive

The user experience above all else: everything is intuitive, visual, simple and easy to use


No deadlock on security, durability and compliance with your IT requirements


Applications benefiting from continuous innovation, thanks to the 15% of our turnover dedicated to R&D

made in France

Design, development, maintenance and hosting managed in France, between Paris and Nevers


Infinite possibilities for customizing your application, features and ergonomics

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